Hacking Your Software Performance ReviewHey, it’s performance review season! You might have already submitted your self-assessment and need some advice for next year, or you might…Dec 15, 20242Dec 15, 20242
Three Critical Questions to Turn the Tables During Technical InterviewsQuestions for when your interviewer says “Do you have any questions for me?”Aug 30, 202456Aug 30, 202456
Intelligence (artificial or otherwise) Might Not ExistThe dangerous game of judging the intelligence of machines when we can’t do it in people.May 22, 20241May 22, 20241
How to Program in Your SleepI thought it was just me … but then I talked to a bunch of mathematiciansAug 24, 20232Aug 24, 20232
The First Thing We Do, Let’s Kill All The ConsultantsStop paying for gurus and start investing in your people.Aug 2, 202316Aug 2, 202316
Published inRebellion DefenseThe Challenge of Regulating AIThe goal of NIST’s AI Framework is to provide a structured approach to assessing and managing the risks involved with developing and…Apr 6, 202313Apr 6, 202313
The Magic of Value Statements is in Failing at ThemOr what I learned from years of working for cult-like foundersMar 17, 202318Mar 17, 202318
Guess What? Analog Computing May Be Coming BackSee? I told you technology advances in cyclesJan 30, 202317Jan 30, 202317
Stop Using “Real Time” WrongIt has nothing to do with latency and it’s making your systems more complicated.Jul 24, 202223Jul 24, 202223